Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Who am I?

By Kazz Falcon

Who am I?
I have no ideal how I got here.
I'm in a dark room.
Everything is white.
I do mean everything.
The walls, the bed, the sheets, the floor.
It doesn't appear to have a door.
There was no handle.
I was scared.
I don't know what's happening to me.
Was I being held hostage?
I don't have that much money.
It can't be that.
I'm not rich.
I don't have a wife either.
Or kids for that matter.
Can it be?
No, it can't be that.
Are they trying to convert me?
Dear lord!
I hope not.
I don't want to live a lie.
I'm gay no matter what.
Gay is who I am.